Thursday, November 1, 2007

The Wheezing House

Everyone is sick! MeiMei has a wretched cold or flu and is whiny but has not lost her appetite and remains ever helpful and independent, trying to put the nasal aspirator into her own tiny nostrils. Talk about cooperative.

Daddy has been home from work for three days, coughing, wheezing, aching and miserable and possibly delirious. I thought he was doing a Bing Crosby impression is his sleep, He said he was awake and singing the Israeli national anthem. Either way, it sounds like the fever was getting to him. I know it's getting to me.

JieJie got a tummy ache and was not well enough for trick-or-treating, possibly because there were too many treats at the school party. She marched in the Halloween parade, around the parking lot of the office building that houses her school. She was the saddest-looking Hershey kiss I have ever seen. Her pointy hat was flopping over her eyes and she was blindly following the partner who was holding her hand. Finally I dodged the video cameras and dashed up to fix her hat, probably embarrassing her completely. She has not revealed any details of the day at school, but I imagine there was some pressure involved in getting her into the line. She said before school that she would be "a little shy" about the parade.

Mommy, as a result of all the sickness, has gotten even less sleep than before. Even when everyone else is asleep, the symphony of snoring and coughing seems deafening.

Since she got sick, MeiMei has been a bit more mommycentric. But aside from a bit of clinginess and buckets of secretions, she continues to be quick, sharp and curious and loves to practice her new skill, kissing (the air, mostly) with great noise and alacrity.

1 comment:

  1. Good golly. I know how you feel- last month, my eldest had pneumonia and had to be hospitalized for five days (my husband stayed with her). Then my little one got sick. And my husband. Just when I thought I had super mommy immune system, I got hit so hard I was going delirious too. Yep, when it rains, it just pours.

    Keep washing your hands and eat lots of chicken soup. Unless Mei Mei is still eating congee???

    Hope everyone is feeling better...
