Tuesday, October 2, 2007

We're Home

Or, as JieJie put it to a screaming MeiMei trapped in her first car seat, "Ying ying, you're not in China any more."

More later.


  1. Zoikes! Hope she gets used to sitting in her car seat, like soon. But welcome back and I'll see you in the office Craig.

  2. Helen: Welcome back. Sylvie screamed for the first six months every time I put her in her car seat. Means she's fiesty. That she doesn't like being confined and that she's doing the toddler "don't mess with me" routine. Sylvie complained about diaper changes, clothing changes, and especially the car seat. I was waiting for my neighbors (stay at home yuppie moms with blond-haired babies) to call me into social services. I'd just say 'she's loud!" that's all.

    Also. Steve, Sylvie, and I will be in your area starting Friday October 12th. The occassion is my dad is having pretty serious surgery tommorrow and I'm traveling solo to be with my mom at her home while Dad is in the hospital. The following weekend October 12-15 the Vegh trio will be reunited. I know you still have jet lag. MeiMei is probably cranky, you could all come down with the dreaded post China crud (upper respiratory infection). But, should you want to distract your little crankies the welcome wagon could take a day trip on Saturday or Sunday up to Bloomfield to see you. We could help you institute the post-China keep the baby out in the sunlight as long as possible every day to reset her bio clock routine. Regardless congrats and we love love love the blog.
    Gina Steve Sylvie

  3. ps. that Clare sounds like a four year old teen-ager with her wisecrack. Sooo funny.

    "your not in China anymore." Love it will save it for use at appropriate time.gina
