Sunday, November 29, 2009

In the Footsteps of the Dinosaurs

We started watching "Dinosaur Train" after I read about it on an adoption list-serv. It is indeed an adoption story. Mrs. Pteranodon breezily welcomes a strange egg to the family nest. Three pteranodons hatch -- Tiny, Shiny and Don -- then all eyes turn to the adopted egg, and out pops Buddy, who looks nothing like the other nestlings. What species is he? No one knows yet, but no matter, Mrs. Pteranodon carries him in her beak while the winged siblings fly with her to the train depot.

Jiejie and Meimei love this. Meimei likes to be Buddy. Jiejie alternates between pretending she is Tiny and Don. Jiejie is enraptured with the conductor, a Troodon, and now he is the subject of our nighttime story and a list of nagging questions starting the minute she opens her eyes, asking about every possible detail of the story while trying to control its direction.

Between stories and the show, the girls have learned a surprising number of dinosaur species and their characteristics, and Buddy has learned he is a T rex. He doesn't look like his family or eat like his family of fly or dive to catch fish, and although he meets a roaring, snorting, carrion-chomping Tyrannosaurus family and is delighted to learn more about what he will grow into, he also knows he belongs with his forever family and intends to stay there (although he is a wee bit concerned about carrion-breath)

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