Thursday, November 8, 2007

Creeping Toward Normal

MeiMei has such a sweet, warm round head. I love to kiss it. I despair of ever styling her wee bit of hair, though, as its main features are the amazing top cowlick (her peach stem, as we call it) and the little duck tail in back. But now I know the secret of her sparse but significant hair.

JieJie and MeiMei were supposed to spend the parents' meeting in the babysitting room at JieJie'sschool, MeiMei's first time without Mom or Dad. When I arrived atthe meeting half an hour after Daddy, MeiMei's cries could be heard from the next room. I could stand it for about 5 heartbreaking minutes. Daddy brought her out, and she was perfectly behaved through the rest of the meeting, and quite attentive to the poor teacher who had to demonstrate building blocks and making a Montessori maze and walking through the small spaces in stocking feet.

After the meeting a Chinese mom of an adorable little girl came up to us and asked if we knew the meaning of MeiMei's "double whorls." Both her daughters have the twin cowlicks, she said, and Chinese folklore holds them to signify a headstrong personality. No surprises there!

MeiMei is making strides as a communicator, Daddy is feeling a little better but not well enough, JieJie is coming up with some interesting topics of conversation, and the cats, well, they are up to their old tricks, I'm afraid.

1 comment:

  1. Can we see that peach stem? :)

    Interesting on the double whirls. I will ask my mom since she's into all that crazy nonsense...haha.

    Hide Craig's bag before the kitties tinkle on it.

    BTW, a bit premature, but perhaps hold the date on a Saturday sometime in early or mid-February for a dim sum gathering for Chinese New Year (it lands on February 7, but that day is reserved for family gatherings)? That way the girls will get to see the lion dance too.

    Hope everyone is feeling better...
