Thursday, November 22, 2007

A Visit to the Poopy Doctor...

...previously known as the lady who helps little girls who worry too much about using the potty, but who prefers to be known as the poopy doctor.

JieJie deftly evaded most of the doctor's questions, and avoided the tiny dollhouse toilet, as she and the doctor played with dolls on the floor. MeiMei made lots of noise enjoying the poopy doctor's kiddie cash register and will not be joining us on future visits. JieJie managed to convey that doing anything in the toilet was abhorrent. Mostly, when the doctor asked questions to get to know her, JieJie's answers began: "My sister..."

JieJie designated one of the little plastic men with the pop-on hats as the evil guy and installed him on the roof of the dollhouse. She never revealed what evil he had done. I hope the poopy doctor doesn't think there is an evil man on our roof. She and JieJie did conspire to put a wall behind the evil guy so he would not fall off the roof. Ahem.

When the sesson was nearly over, MeiMei began to make poopy faces, then poopy fragrances. Always prepared, Mommy had left the diaper bag in the car.

By the time we got to the car, MeiMei, wearing the Brand X diaper Daddy had put on her, was leaking onto her onesie. I changed her in the car, no small feat in a Jetta with two car seats in the back. The onesie had to go, but just a 2-minute drive away, our turkey was waiting for us. Super slacker mom, of course had no change of clothes for MeiMei in either of the fashionable diaper bags, so we zipped up her mini parka over her bare chest. Then JieJie announced she would not sit in her car seat because she had to poop. The meter had run out about 5 minutes before we came out of the poopy suite. Nevertheless, we made it to get the turkey, (with MeiMei gnawing on French bread as we waited in line) then a baking pan (with JieJie sampling mulled cider), then some wine (2 lollipops) and got home by dark. People at all the stores went gaga over the girls. No one knew MeiMei was shirtless. MeiMei did kick JieJie and pull her hair, but it would be fair to say she put herself in harm's way despite repeated instructions to the contrary.

And by the way, the feast at school was a success. JieJie reported that not only did she eat vegetables, but she also peeled some. And she shared this bit of wisdom from the feast: when you bake a chicken it turns into a turkey.

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